Uncensored Anonymous Search Engine


Uncensored Anonymous Search Engine

Protecting Your Privacy Since 2009


Incognito Mode

It is important to know that web browser incognito modes only prevent your browsing history from being saved on your browser. Incognito mode does not prevent your visit logs from being accessed by your internet service provider (ISP), search engines or websites you visit.

Web browsers are really a thing of the past. Browsers were provided to us by ISPs and or computer hardware and software partnerships as an additional profit center. Now days, browsers are not even needed to browse the internet, however most people have been brainwashed over the years to think that we actually need browsers to access internet pages. The only thing browsers are good for is storing your information about pages you visit and selling that information to other parties.

This is why we created the Gibiru Wormhole, a browserless application that allows you to surf the web completely anonymously with absolutely zero record of your searches and sites you visit. When you use the Gibiru Wormhole, sites you visit are opened and viewable right through the Wormhole App. Download the Gibiru Wormhole app here.